Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
List of pages and topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
1 the Burt Lancaster movie shooting in Lancaster county , Pennsylvania at the Amish school
2 India Jones movie ..Temple of DOOM code Amrish Puri --> Amish purification
3 molecule history repeats itself at sandy Hook school shooting
4 Western Hemisphere war code ... the West battle reports
5 Black's Business Law book (around year 1964 at Florida State University) and Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger ...... code words Black + Burg --> BATTLE at Blacksburg, Virginia at Virginia TECH over sub-conscious MIND legal language perception ERRORS
6 year 1726 ..atomic number 26 of Fe = Ferrous oxide atom IRON used in the human liver of Jonathan Swift .... hepatology message book " Gullible, arrogant idiots LIVER Travels"
7 Perry Mason television show with District Attorney Hamilton Burger .....
subset codes Ham Burger --> Hamburger
8 cigarettes and smoking secrets of molecules ..nicotine and acetylcholine
9 neuron brain cell ,......BUY and SELL brain cells with the euro dollar
10 ancient insect bio-radio used by pregnant fetus .... creating social problems
11 Shirley TEMPLE movies for the programming the brain TEMPLE
12 Orsen Wells year 1938 radio show ...neuroscience TEST
14 brain bio-computer addressing
16 Orsen Wells radio show PANIC exposes Spanish his.PANIC language influence in the sub-conscious MIND and the rigged biased BOSTON TRIAL with Carmen Ortiz
17 Justice Department failure to study the signal FREUD Ice-berg model
18 Terry Nicholas ........ Nature's interceptor exposes the Justice Department perception and intellectual ERRORS about social system existence on EARTH
19 the marketing CHESS problem exposed in the Brookfield Wisconsin shooting and cover-up
20 the RED LIGHT BANDIT exposes the bedroom infra-red SECRET society of Califorrnia and the Federal government
21 Hannah Graham killed in the dermatology Skin-walker wars
22 Terry Ratzmann in CHESS battle in Brookfield
23 the Michaelis complex bio-chemistry
24 Michaelis complex number Z = a + bi
25 Spanish number DOS = 2 = two
26 Dostoyevsky and John Dos Passos VERSUS Microsoft DOS
27 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev BOAT in Watertown Massachusetts ..... data codes /evidence omitted form the rigged TRIAL
28 Salvador Dali and El Salvador Dali civil war
29 Nature's carbon atomic mass 12 VERSUS Cam --> Cambridge Massachusetts universities, students, graduates, and professors
30 the carbon 12 arrogance problems of the carbon TWELVE Tribes of Israel
31 Carmen Ortiz ...... carbon orbit agent errors
32 the carbon / hydrogen TRIALS
33 year 1884 and ORWELL book 1984
34 Logic Gates battle reports
35 Medgar Evers killed in year 1963 --> 63 --> copper 63 electricity wars
36 President Kennedy killed in 1963 --> copper 63
37 EARTH iron core, daily rotation, and Earth surface Phelps's Dodge copper mine
38 Columbine High school shooting Eric Harris and TA = Transactional Analysis
40 Nitrogen air battle in Nairobi, Kenya
41 The Second Battle of Fallujah over Fallopian tubes
42 The menstruation / blood flow DEMO at Virginia TECH
43 IRAQ insurgent elements .. war language codes explained....
44 Star wars ..... BLACK SUN explained
45 the rigged trial of 4 Blackwater security guards
46 Ayatollah Khomeini bio-radio codes with RADIO HEAD music group
47 Robert F. Kennedy --> RFK --> radio frequency K ... bio-radio
48 Evans LAW book " The Atomic Nucleus"
49 electron orbitals--> electoral college
50 Black Water codes
51 Bavaria and ,,,,, base variables
52 Black Forest
53 the Boston 26 mile race violations of atomic English language integrity of 26 letters of ferrous oxide IRON atom 26 protons
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Thus ... in this blog post you have some information strings ..... the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
Source domain .... Burt Lancaster
Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA › The Amish
School Shooting in an Amish One-Room School. ... It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ... The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City.
Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA › The AmishSchool Shooting in an Amish One-Room School. ... It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ... The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City.
On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School, an Amish one-room schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.[1][2][3] Gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five, before committing suicide in the schoolhouse
Amish one-room schoolhouse for
ami .....
amino acid molecule education
in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
community of Nickel Mines
community of Nickel Mines
community of Nickel Mines ...... the EARTH iron core and the EARTH magnetic field flow line LINKS to the human iron blood system
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Wikipedia, the free ...
the Temple of Doom is a 1984 American action-adventure film
the Temple of Doom is a 1984 American action-adventure film
the Temple of Doom is a 1984 LINK to the book ....
Amrish Puri
Amrish Puri
Amish Purification .......
Amino acid THOUGHT Purification
Amrish Lal Puri (22 June 1932 – 12 January 2005[2]) was an Indian actor, who was an important figure in Indian theatre and cinema. He worked with notable playwrights of the time, such as Satyadev Dubey and Girish Karnad. He is remembered for playing iconic negative roles in Hindi cinema as well as other Indian and international film industries. To Indian audiences he is the most remembered for his role as Mogambo in Shekhar Kapur's Hindi film Mr. India (1987), and to Western audiences he is best known as Mola Ram in Steven Spielberg's Hollywood film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984). Puri has won three Filmfare Awards for Best Supporting Actor.
Puri reigned supreme in villainous roles in the 1980s and 1990s. In those decades, there was hardly any Bollywood film that did not feature Puri as a villain. His dominating screen presence and baritone voice made him stand out amongst the other villains of the day.
He is known to international audiences for his roles as Khan in Richard Attenborough's Gandhi (1982) and as the main antagonist Mola Ram in Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).
He shaved his head for the role, and it created such an impression that he kept his head shaved. His bald look gave him the flexibility to experiment different looks as a villain in subsequent movies. Puri and Spielberg shared a great rapport and Spielberg often said in interviews, "Amrish is my favorite villain. The best the world has ever produced and ever will!"[4]
He is known to international audiences for his roles as Khan in Richard Attenborough's Gandhi (1982) and as the main antagonist Mola Ram in Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).
He shaved his head for the role, and it created such an impression that he kept his head shaved. His bald look gave him the flexibility to experiment different looks as a villain in subsequent movies. Puri and Spielberg shared a great rapport and Spielberg often said in interviews, "Amrish is my favorite villain. The best the world has ever produced and ever will!"[4]
List of Indiana Jones characters
List of Indiana Jones characters
Mola Ram
Mola Ram is named after an 18th-century Indian painter.[citation needed] Lucas wanted Mola Ram to be terrifying, so Huyck and Katz added elements of Aztec and Hawaiian human sacrificers, and European devil worship, to the character.[42] To create his headdress, make-up artist Tom Smith based the skull on a cow (as this would be sacrilegious) with a latex shrunken head. Puri was chosen as Spielberg and Lucas did not want to cast a European actor and apply dark make-up.[39] In the role, Puri resembles Eduardo Ciannelli, who played the cult leader in Gunga Din, an inspiration on the film.[52]
In an early script of the movie, the burning Sankara Stones actually release Mola Ram from the same "Black Sleep of the Kali Ma" he inflicts on Jones before falling to his death, hinting that he may not have been in control of his actions. It was also intended that Mola Ram, after falling from the bridge, be killed by landing on the embankment below, followed by the crocodiles tearing apart his corpse. However, this script was scrapped and rejected.
A 6-inch action figure and an unpainted metal miniature of Mola Ram was released in 1984.
A 6-inch action figure and an unpainted metal miniature of Mola Ram was released on
on October 2, 2006, at the West Nickel Mines School.
It was also intended that Mola Ram
It was also intended that Mola Ram
It was also intended that Molecular cell biology rampage ........
It was also intended that Molecular cell biology ( the parallel .....
EXTERNAL one-room schoolhouse is equivalent to an
INTERNAL biology cell with thoughts )
Life is the continuous adjustment of... Herbert Spencer - Forbes Quotes
an Amish one-room schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
an Amish one-room schoolhouse
an Ami ... one-room schoolhouse
an Amino ... one-room schoolhouse
On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School
On October 2, 2006,
On Oc --> Organic chemistry ................ carbon molecules and expressions in social chemistry
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children ..
when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children ..
when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children ..
when 20-year-old shot 20 defective, synthetic brain nonsense children ..
when 20-year-old
when 20.....................amino acids ordered Nature's data generating .
West Nickel Mines School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Amish community response - On the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the ... community living near the Amish in Lancaster County, ...
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Westgate shopping mall attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Westgate shopping mall attack ..message
Western hemisphere molecule attack .....
route to microbiology Defense Secretary .....
Rob.... Robert Gates A Handbook of Business Law Terms (Black's Law ..., Inc.
Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Acknowledged by linguists and lawyers alike as THE ... A Handbook of Business Law Terms (Black's Law Dictionary) (9780314239358): Bryan, A Garner: Books.
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
On this day in 2007, in one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history, 32 students and teachers die after being gunned down on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University at Blacksburg by Seung Hui Cho, a student at the school who later dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
United States Department of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Department of Justice
United States Department of model of awareness / perception
Warren E. Burger
Warren E. Burger
War arr en E Bur
The Beatles "Help" Live 1965 (Reelin' In The Years Archives) - YouTube 
Help! (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!_(song)
Help! (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!_(album)
"Help the Helpatology comatose liver/BRAIN ... SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor !"
What is Helpatology? - incomplete News .... Medical
Nov 19, 2014 - Hepatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study, prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases that affect the liver and community liver ...such as the Livermore, California bragging and bull-shit communication ERRORS ...
When I was younger (So much younger than) so much younger than today
(I never needed) I never needed anybody's help in any way
(Now) But now these days are gone (These days are gone), I'm not so self assured
(I know I've found) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
(Now) And now my life has changed in oh so many ways
(My independence) My independence seems to vanish in the haze
(But) But every now (Every now and then) and then I feel so insecure
(I know that I) I know that I just need you like I've never done before
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
When I was younger so much younger than today
I never needed anybody's help in any way
(But) But now these days are gone (These days are gone), I'm not so self assured
(I know I've found) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round
Help me, get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, ooh
Apr 27, 2007 - ...
BLACKSBURG, Va., April 26 -- Police officers desperately shot at the chains that Seung Hui Cho had used to lock the entrances to Norris Hall at Virginia Tech before they shot away a deadbolt on a side door and used bolt cutters to enter the building, authorities said Thursday.
Help, I need somebody
Help, not just anybody
Help, you know I need someone, help
Help, not just anybody
Help, you know I need someone, help
What is Helpatology? - incomplete News .... Medical
When I was younger (So much younger than) so much younger than today
(I never needed) I never needed anybody's help in any way
(Now) But now these days are gone (These days are gone), I'm not so self assured
(I know I've found) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
(Now) And now my life has changed in oh so many ways
(My independence) My independence seems to vanish in the haze
(But) But every now (Every now and then) and then I feel so insecure
(I know that I) I know that I just need you like I've never done before
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
When I was younger so much younger than today
I never needed anybody's help in any way
(But) But now these days are gone (These days are gone), I'm not so self assured
(I know I've found) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round
Help me, get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, ooh
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors at Norris Hall ....
The Washington Post
Apr 27, 2007 - ...
found that the building's thick wooden doors had been chained shut. ...
State police released details of what officers did during the five minutes it took them to enter the building in which Cho killed 30 people April 16.
Arriving at Norris three minutes after a 911 call at 9:32 a.m., the first team of four to five officers found that the building's thick wooden doors had been chained shut. They shot at the chains but couldn't break them, so they ran to a locked side door. Shooting away the deadbolt, they entered the building through a laboratory, said Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller..
Warren Burger - Supreme Court Justice - Burger was the 15th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, nominated by President Richard Nixon. ... In 1969, President Richard Nixon named Warren Burger chief justice of the Supreme Court. ... It was for these reasons that President Richard Nixon appointed Burger Earl Warren's ...
History of the Burger Court - The Supreme Court Opinion Writing ... Burger Court marks the tenure of Warren E. Burger as Chief Justice of the United States. Chief Justice Burger replaced Earl Warren in 1969 and retired from ...
The Supreme Court Opinion Writing
The Supreme Court Opinion Writing for thought
Hamilton Burger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Perry Mason - Burger was portrayed by William Talman in the long-running CBS-TV series Perry Mason (1957–66). Asked about how he felt ...
TV's Hamilton Burger - The Perry Mason TV Show Book 4, 2004 - The problem with Talman's role as the DA, Hamilton Burger, was that he was put into the position of always having to prosecute a case. In real ...
.... role as the District Attorney of the FED / food government systems,
Burger, .... he was put into the position of always having to prosecute a case.
Federal Communications Commission telesvion EM implants into the human brain stem
| The United States of America
Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.
Perry Mason (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mason and Dixon draw a line - Oct 18, 1767 -
Where Does the South Begin? - The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Mason and Dixon Line |
Encyclopædia Britannica
Nicotine - GalaxyGoo
Nicotine acts in the former manner, e.g., by mimicking a naturally occurring substance in the body. That substance is the chemical neurotransmitter acetylcholine or ACh (you can learn more about ACh in the section on nicotine). So, first we will discuss what acetylcholine does and then how nicotine mimics it.
How Does Nicotine Act in the Brain? | NIDA for Teens
National Institute on Drug Abuse
They also cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite, memory, and more. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of acetylcholine.
A nicotinic agonist is a drug that mimics the action of acetylcholine (ACh) at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The nAChR is named for its affinity for nicotine.
Nicotinic agonist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that mimics the action of acetylcholine (ACh)
that mimics the action of acetylcholine (ACh)
that mimics the action of acetylcholine (ACh) .................
Neurotransmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What are Neurotransmitters? - Neurogistics
What are Neurotransmitters? -
What are euro ....euro dollar instruction transmitters? -
Neurotransmitters -
THE BRAIN money system
FROM TOP TO BOTTOM ...........
and the euro dollar attack on the neurons of
LU = Logical Unit of the brain of co-pilot
Lubitz resulting in 150 Germanwings people dead
McGill University
The War of the Worlds (radio drama) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welles scares nation - Oct 30, 1938 -
On this day in History, Welles scares nation on Oct 30, 1938. ... “War of the Worlds” was not planned as a radio hoax, and Welles had little idea of the havoc it .
Radio Radcliffe College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard ...
a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard ...
a female coordinate institution for the all-male Ha ...... Ha Ha Ha social science comedy per C.P. Snow and the Two Culture's lecture of year 1959 ...
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Stud / penis mentality at
Dallas (da + ll = data parallel code site)
--> Lee Harvard Oswald University | Home with the
Epic(Earth pictures) Homer and the Illiad
Harvard University
Our History | Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study of Bio-radio human males and bragging of penis HEAD wisdom
at Harvard University University
Photo courtesy of Radcliffe College Archives, Schlesinger LibraryElizabeth Cary Agassiz becomes president of the "Harvard Annex" and later the first president ...
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
commonly known by his initials RFK
commonly known by his initials RFK
commonly known by his initials RFK --> Radio Frequency K
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
si nation of Robert F. Kennedy
........ sin wave nation --> Robert F. Kennedy
After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy was fatally shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel
Kennedy was fatally shot
Kennedy was fatally shot
K-channel neurotransmitter agent .... Kennedy was fatally shot
Ambassador HotelAmbassador HotelAm ....... Amplitude modulation WAR ZONE
Fetus and Fet ....... human biology electron circuit manipulation
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shirley Temple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shirley Temple Black was an American film and television actress, singer, dancer, and public servant, most famous as Hollywood's number one box-office star from 1935 to 1938,
Atomic information projected OUTWARD via human agent ..Orson Wells in year 1938 and radio
and his later movie ..carbon black molecules and Citizen Kane..
K Channels and K communication channels
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
[PPT]K Channels
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds: Behind the 1938 Radio Show Panic
National Geographic Society
Welles scares nation - Oct 30, 1938 -
Oct 30, 1938 -
Oct 30, 1938 - HISTORY of the
community GROUP MIND and its sub-conscious MIND language secrets
Oct 30, 1938 ---> 19 and 38 --> 19 + 19 = 38
History of Microsoft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oct 30, 1938 -
Oct 30, 1938 -
Oct 30, 1938 - ... Orson Wells address codes
0 (zero) count 0 19 and 38 ..start address
.... using displacement addessing is Zero (o)
Explicit-based addressing - IBM
Explicit-based addresses are specified as a base register number, RA, and a displacement, D. The base register holds a base address. At run time, the processor adds the displacement to the contents of the base register to obtain the effective address. ... A displacement can be an ...
The human brain and its THOUGHT contents as an address space.
Down the Rabbit Hole | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis ...'s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll: Down the Rabbit Hole. ... Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand? Or Australia?" (and she tried to curtsey as ..
Well!" thought Alice to herself "After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down-stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!" (which was very likely true.)
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? "I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?" she said aloud. "I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think-" (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the school-room, and though this was not a very good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) "-- yes that's about the right distance -- but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?" (Alice had not the slightest idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but she thought they were nice grand words to say.)
Presently she began again. "I wonder if I shall fall fight through the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downwards! The antipathies, I think-" (she was rather glad there was no one listening, this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) "-but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand? Or Australia?" (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke- fancy, curtseying as you're falling through the air!
ou're falling through the air!
ou're falling through the air!
ou're falling through the air! --> Paige Raque message
Paige Raque: Penn State cheerleader, 19, makes 'miraculous ...
Daily Mail
Paige Raque: Penn State cheerleader 'day-to-day' after apartment ...
Daily Mail
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Missing: mask
Through the Looking Glass | Penguin Books New Zealand
One moment Alice/cryptology is wondering what life is like at bull-shit / arrogant Penn State social sciences and theology ........ and their friends at the city of Pittsburg ... the DEATH SENTENCE given to Richard Poplawski . .
Terry Nichols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early years · Adulthood · Anti-government views · The bombing
Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols says in prison letters he is not a ...
Michigan Live
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 1995,
On ..........19, 19 ........................
The Hertz EM wave War in bio-radio Herzegovina-Bosnia, 1992–1995 - Office of the Historian
Bosnian HERTZ electromagnetic / brain neurotransmitter Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of diplomatic missions in Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia, the free ...
Caryl Chessman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cause of death: Execution (Gas chamber)
Criminal charge: Robbery, kidnapping, ...
Criminal penalty: Death
Criminal status: Executed
Caryl Chessman - Criminal -
Visit to learn about the life of Caryl Chessman, a notorious sexual predator. ... Cell 2455 Death Row (1954), Chessman's first book was an ...
Caryl Chessman's infamous death row case is revisited - latimes › Collections
Sep 19, 2006 - 'Cell 2455, Death Row'. A Condemned Man's Own Story. Caryl Chessman. Introduction by Joseph E. Longstreth and Alan Bisbort.
Cell 2455 Death Row
Cell 24 55 Death Row
Cell 24 hour biological clock Fe= Ferrous oxide iron 55
..... hematology blood ....... Heme group fe(2) ions .....DEATH
World Atlas / World Map of the
living EARTH cell with arteries of coal fuel and silver metal
Atlas of Hematology parallel ...... Nature's systems of the World Including Geography ... Atlas - Maps, Geography, travel. Continents. Africa · Antarctica · Arctic ...
Cell 2455 Death Row of the rooms/cells of the building towers
Caryl Chessman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caryl Chessman His Heredity And The Red Light Bandit Crimes ...
Caryl Chessman -... the Washington Redskins .... Criminals -
Synopsis. Caryl Chessman was executed in 1960 for sex crimes committed as the "Red Light bandit";
Caryl Whittier Chessman was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes committed in January 1948 in the Los Angeles area.
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Redskins compete in the National ...
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Redskins compete in the National ...
Washington Redskins Football - Redskins News, Scores, Stats ...
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washington Redskins Football -
Navajo Skinwalker Legend | The Wichery Way - Navajo Legends
navajo skinwalker legend Many Navajos believe firmly in the existence of skinwalkers and refuse to discuss them publicly for fear of retribution. They believe ...
Skin-walker ..... infra-red .... bio-computer subroutine technology experiments at University of Virginia
The term "cosmetic dermatologist" often causes confusion. To understand this term, it helps to know that all dermatologists receive training in: Medical dermatology: Diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases that affect the skin, hair and nails.
Native American Skinwalkers ......... - Exploring New Mexico ........
In the American Southwest, the Navajo, Hopi, Utes, and other tribes each have their own version of the Skinwalker, but each boils down to the same thing --- a ...
American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Dermatology
Learn more about American Academy of Dermatology at
Cell 2455 Death Row of the rooms/cells of the building towers
Cell 24 55 Death Row
Death Row --> rows and columns of existence of iron skyscraper
Caryl Chessman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and ... interrogation, during which Chessman later claimed he was beaten and tortured, Chessman confessed to the "Red Light Bandit" crimes.
Caryl Chessman His Heredity And The Red Light Bandit Crimes ..., Inc.
Buy Caryl Chessman His Heredity And The Red Light Bandit Crimes: Read Kindle Store Reviews -
The Red Light Bandit
The infra-Red Light Band-width
Caryl Chessman -... the Washington Redskins .... Criminals -
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washington Redskins -
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team based
The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team based
The Washington Redskins are a professional BEROOM species ....
American foot ball team based
American foot ball team based
The Washington Redskins are a professional BEDROOM species
American foot/ ankle/toes + male testicles /balls team based
American foot/ ankle/toes + male testicles /balls team based
Washington Redskins Football - Redskins News, Scores, Stats ...
Get the latest Washington Redskins news, scores, stats, standings, rumors, and more from ESPN.
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Redskins compete in the National ...
Murder of Hannah Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Elizabeth Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia ...
Cause of death: Homicidal violence of u...
Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged ...
Status: Remains recovered October 18, ...
Washington Redskins Football -
Redskins News, murder Scores, death Stats, standings ...
Get the latest Washington Redskins news, scores, stats, standings, rumors, and more from ESPN.
standings .. with her back ...... the feedback system message
Navajo Skinwalker Legend | The Wichery Way - Navajo Legends skinwalker legend Many Navajos believe firmly in the existence of skinwalkers and refuse to discuss them publicly for fear of retribution. They believe ...

Skin-walker ..... infra-red .... bio-computer subroutine technology experiments at University of Virginia
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Navajo (Navajo: Diné) culture, a skin-walker (yee nahgloshii) is a type of witch who has the ... "Some Kind of Power": Navajo children's skinwalker narratives.
Why see a dermatologist | American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Dermatology
Why see a dermatologist
Why see a dermatologist ..... the skin HEAT emission language/ instructions WARS
Native American Skinwalkers ......... - Exploring New Mexico ........
American Academy of Dermatology Academy of Dermatology
Learn more about American Academy of Dermatology at
American Academy
American Ac ..alternating cycles / em waves .....
Academy of secret BEDROOM pussy communication languages
Scott Walker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scott Walker (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welcome to EARTH systems Office of the Wisconsin geography skin
.... with
Governor of the Wisconsin SKIN Walker --> SKIN Walker
| Office of Skin Walker CHIEF of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor Scott Walker
Brookfield hotel
Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ...
Oct 21, 2012 - BROOKFIELD -- The Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield was the scene of a mass ... All reports following this shooting indicate Ratzmann acted alone.
Terry Ratzmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
March 2005 .
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Terry Ratzmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
List of RKO Pictures films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RKO Pictures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) Pictures was an American film production and distribution ..... On June 13, 1935, RKO premiered the first feature film shot entirely in advanced three-strip Technicolor, Becky Sharp. The movie was coproduced with ...
Film History of the 1930s
Republic Pictures (founded in 1935) and Monogram were relegated to B-picture status, ... then MGM), David O. Selznick (RKO, MGM), and Darryl Zanuck (Fox).
RKO Radio Pictures - Richard B. Jewell - Hardcover - University of ... › ... › Cinema
University of California Press
Hardcover Edition: One of the Big Five studios of Hollywood's golden age, RKO is remembered today primarily for the famous films it produced, from King Kong ..
Wiley: Biochemistry, 4th Edition - Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet › ... › General Biochemistry
John Wiley & Sons
Voet/Voet/Pratt: Fundamentals of Biochemistry plus Take Note! - Wiley
John Wiley & Sons
Voet Chapter 12 Slides
University of Fribourg
[PDF]Enzyme Kinetics Enzyme Kinetics
Michaelis-Menten equation
Michaelis-Menten equation
Michaelis-Menten equation
Enzyme in the St.Louis region with
fermentation in Ferguson, Missouri
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Enzymes /ˈɛnzaɪmz/ are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate, or ..... This is sometimes called the Michaelis-Menten complex in their honor. The enzyme then catalyzes the chemical step in the reaction and releases the ...
Michaelis–Menten kinetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia–Menten_kinetics
Michaelis complex - Terminology of Molecular Biology for Michaelis ... complex | Definitions for Michaelis complex from GenScript molecular biology glossary.
Michaelis complex --> Mich --> Michigan Avenue in Chicago
with office complex and apartment complex .... expression sites
Michaelis complex .....
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Date: August 9, 2014
Non-fatal injuries: Darren Wilson (during ...
Location: Ferguson, Missouri, U.S
Charges: None filed
Ferguson social fermentaion and enyzme protests: What we know about Michael Brown's last minutes ...
What happened in the encounter between Wilson Hall bio-physics Officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown and his Einstein Brownian motion display?
Here is a look at what is known and what remains to be discovered.
Voet --> vertical order entry
Crystal Structures Representing the Michaelis Complex number and the ... of New Mexico
by A Galkin - 2005 - Cited by 60 - Related articlesCrystal Structures Representing the Michaelis Complex and the Thiouronium Reaction Intermediate of. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Arginine Deiminase*.
Crystal Structures Representing the Michaelis Complex number
Michaelis complex definition of complex bio-math number | › Professionals › Medical DictionaryDefinition of Michaelis complex. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and Includes medical terms and definitions.
phase change of existence .. from DOS to IBM OS model
| physics |
Physicists Say Consciousness Might Be a State of Matter — NOVA - PBS
Stephen Hawking code year 1942 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA is an English theoretical physicist, ... Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England, to Frank ...
U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston ... Reuters Foundation
May 15, 2015 - U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans (L) after the
bio-chemistry DEATH sentence given to
Nature's systems messenger RNA agent --> tsaRNAev
Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaí
Timeline - Unparalleled collection of Salvador Dali art works ...
Salvador Dalí Museum
Boston Bombing Trial: Boat Owner Recalls Finding Salvador Dali message .... Dzhokhar ...
Watertown Street Where Boston Bombing Suspect Was Captured ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat was shot over 126 times ... Republican
Mar 16, 2015 - BOSTON — Jurors in the trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev learned that the Watertown boat that he took refuge in was shot ...
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus - Salvador Dali ...
Salvador Dalí Museum
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus - Wikipedia, the ...
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is the name of a painting by artist Salvador Dalí, begun in 1958 and finished in 1959. It is over 14 feet tall ...
Discovery of American by Christopher Columbus, 1959 by Salvador Dali
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 1959 by Salvador Dali ... From the first day that he set foot on the pavement of Surrealist Paris, Dali has ...
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus -
One of a number of large paintings Dali completed in this era The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus stands a massive 14 feet tall by 9 feet wide.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Salvadoran Civil War was a conflict between the military-led government of El Salvador ... El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America after Belize. As in many nations of Latin America, the history of El Salvador has been ...
Date: October 15, 1979 – January 16, 1...
Location: El Salvador
Civil War in El Salvador
El Salvador is a small, Central American country bordered by Honduras, Guatemala and the Pacific Ocean. In recent years, it has been plagued by violence and ...
El Salvador's brutal civil war: What we still don't know - Al Jazeera ... Jazeera
Mar 1, 2012 - Scranton, PA - From 1980 to 1992, civil war ravaged the Central American state of El Salvador, claiming the lives of approximately 75,000 ...
El Salvador's brutal civil war: What we still don't know - Al Jazeera ... 
El Salvador's brutal civil war: What we still don't know - Al Jazeera ... 
El Salvador Dali .............. civil war: What we still don't know - 
, civil war ravaged the Central American state of El Salvador,, civil war ravaged the Central American state of El Salvador,, civil war ravaged the Central ............... state of Salvador,
, civil war ravaged the Central ............... state of Salvador,
, civil war ravaged the Central Nervous System
............... state of MIND with Salvador Dali and others,
Nicaragua and Iran Timeline - Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs
Brown University... interdict arms trafficking to El Salvador, but this does not give them the power to ... Oliver North knew of the plan and recommended that the President sign off ...
Oliver North knew of the plan
Oliver North knew of the plan
liver of Livermore Labs knew of the plan
Contras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaThe contras is a label given to the various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that .... According to the National Security Archive, Oliver North had been in contact with Manuel Noriega, the military ... argued that the court did not seriously consider the Nicaraguan role in El Salvador, while it accused Nicaragua of ...
An Iran-Contra War Story with Oliver North - Association for Diplomatic ...
An Iran-Contra War Story with liver ..... - Association for Diplomatic ...
Iran–Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia–Contra_affair
The Iran–Contra affair also referred to as Irangate, Contragate or the Iran–Contra scandal, was ..... On the day of McFarlane's resignation, Oliver North, a military aide to the United States National Security Council (NSC), proposed a new plan ...
Iran–Contra affair
Iran–Contra affair
Contra affair ..... math logic WAR
Proof by contradiction using the CONTRA demo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mathematical Proof/Methods of Proof/Proof by Contradiction - Wikibooks
25 Years Later: Oliver North and The Iran-Contra Scandal | TIME
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Daily Mail
Virginia Tech shooting: Who was gunman Ross Truett Ashley ...
The Christian Science Monitor
Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross True/false tables Ashley | US news | The ... › ... › Virginia Tech shooting 2011
The Guardian
Linus van Pelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linus van Pelt is a character in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. The best friend of Charlie Brown, Linus is also the younger brother of Lucy van Pelt and ...
Linus Pauling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiley: Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition - T. W. Graham Solomons ... › ... › General Organic Chemistry
John Wiley & Sons
Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition continues its tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic classroom and beyond.
T. W. Graham Solomons
Several children injured in Boston marathon bombings - The ... Washington Post
Apr 15, 2013 - An ‘act of terror’ at 117th Boston Marathon. ... Boston Children’s Hospital had a wave of young patients brought in on stretchers Monday, all hurt by bombs detonated on a sunny day amid spectators of the city’s famed marathon. ... Three other children were treated in the emergency ...
Boston Marathon energy war equation explained by
Isaac Asimov psychohistory and the rigged trial
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boston Marathon bombing and children equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
children equation
ch .......en equation --> carbon hydrogen molecule ....en
Wiley: Organic Chemistry, Twelfth Edition - T. W. Graham Solomons ... 
The 12th edition of Organic Chemistry continues Solomons/Fryhle/Snyder's tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic classroom and beyond.
A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
To accomplish this, the content is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of a functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms. The authors' philosophy is to emphasize mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, and at the same time, use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most chapters. The structural aspects of the authors' approach show students what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects of their approach show students how it works. And wherever an opportunity arises, the authors' show students what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.
A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
A central theme of the aut hors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
A central theme of the autism horrors approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity to the structure of citizen and community bull-shit and nonsense ... of their organic social chemistry --> Organic --> organ + ic --> penis/pussy organ inter course that results in a human biology nuclear arms, elbows. mouth overflow volume violation.
The HannaH atomic mirror with T W,. Graham -->
Han --> Hydrogen atomic number of --> HannaH
Hannah ----> Han .... mirror ... naH
A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
To accomplish this, the content is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of a functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms. The authors' philosophy is to emphasize mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, and at the same time, use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most chapters. The structural aspects of the authors' approach show students what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects of their approach show students how it works. And wherever an opportunity arises, the authors' show students what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.
A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
A central theme of the aut hors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity.
A central theme of the autism horrors approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity to the structure of citizen and community bull-shit and nonsense ... of their organic social chemistry --> Organic --> organ + ic --> penis/pussy organ inter course that results in a human biology nuclear arms, elbows. mouth overflow volume violation.
The HannaH atomic mirror with T W,. Graham -->
Han --> Hydrogen atomic number of --> HannaH
Hannah ----> Han .... mirror ... naH
The human circus with George O.
Ringling Brothers Circus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ringling Bros. World's Greatest Shows was a circus founded in the United States in 1884 by five of the seven Ringling ... In 1882, before the Ringling brothers created their first circus, the 5 brothers performed skits and juggling routines in ...
a circus founded the United States in 1884 a circus founded 1884 + 100 = 1984 a circus founded in the United States in 1884
five of the seven Ringling
five of the seven Ringling
five of the seven Ring levels of EARTH existence ................ with iron-57
and tomato ketchup Heinz 57 varieties
and tomato ketchup Heinz 57 varieties
The "57" in "57 Varieties of Heinz" Has Meaning per iron-57 message system
One of the earliest known recipes for tomato ketchup appeared in 1801, created by ...
One of the earliest known recipes for tomato ketchup appeared
One of the earliest known recipes for tomato ketchup appeared
One of the earliest known recipes for tom ato ketchup appeared
One of the earliest known recipes for atom atom ketchup appeared ...
One of the earliest known recipes for atom atom ketchup appeared ...
Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James ...
Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy
hen ....Logic Gates arrest controversy ......
Harvard university social sciences, humanities, language and theology ....
MOTHER HEN chicken brains
Basic Logic Gates
University of Surrey
Boolean Algebra Truth Tables for Logic Gate Functions › Boolean Algebra
2-input NOR (Not OR) Gate. For a 2-input NOR gate, the output Q is true if BOTH input A and input B are NOT true, giving the Boolean Expression of: ( Q = not(A or B) ). As well as the standard logic gates there are also two special types of logic gate function called an Exclusive-OR Gate and an Exclusive-NOR Gate.
Norway Anders Breivik and the Nor logic gate WARS ,.... wins part of human rights lawsuit ...
Apr 20, 2016 - Oslo, Norway (CNN) Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won part of his lawsuit against the state over his solitary ...
Anders Behring Breivik is a Norwegian far-right terrorist who committed the 2011 Norway attacks. On 22 July 2011 he killed eight people by detonating a van bomb amid the Regjeringskvartalet in Oslo, ... Wikipedia
Anders Breivik's human LOGIC GATE rights violated in prison,
Europe and the brain Nor gate BS court . › World › Anders Breivik
The Guardian
Medgar Evers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Medgar Wiley Evers (July 2, 1925 – June 12, 1963) was an American civil rights activist from Mississippi who worked to overturn segregation at the University of ...
Medgar Wiley Evers (July 2, 1925 – June 12, 1963) was an American civil rights activist from Mississippi who worked to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi and to enact social justice and voting rights. He is remembered for saying "You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea."[2]
A World War II veteran and college graduate, he became active in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s. He became a field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Following the 1954 ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated public schools were unconstitutional,
Medgar Evers assassinated - Jun 12, 1963 -
In the driveway outside his home in Jackson, Mississippi, African American civil rights leader Medgar Evers is shot to death by white supremacist Byron De La Beckwith. ... On June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers was killed. ... Three decades later, the state of Mississippi reopened the case under ...
Medgar Evers assassinated - ....... 12..... 63
Copper isotopes: Copper-63, Copper-65 ..... Cu-63, Cu-65
Copper isotopes: Copper-63, Copper-65,
A World War II veteran and college graduate, he became active in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s. He became a field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Following the 1954 ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated public schools were unconstitutional,
Medgar Evers assassinated - Jun 12, 1963 -
Medgar Evers assassinated - Jun 12, 1963
Medgar Evers assassinated - ....... 12..... 63
--> 12 Volt battery with Cu = copper atomic 63
Copper isotopes: Copper-63, Copper-65 ..... Cu-63, Cu-65
Medgar Evers assassinated
Eveready AA ..... assigned to EARTH agent
Evers .........NAACP
He became a field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
He became a field secretary for the NAACP.
He became a field secretary for the NAACP.
He became a field secret for the AA CP (Copper battery poles).
He became a field secret
He became a field secret
Medgar Evers assassinated - Jun 12, 1963 -
Medgar Evers assassinated - Jun 12, 1963 --> copper mass 63
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 - HISTORY of copper 63
Watts ENERGY Riot begins
- Aug 11, 1965 - HISTORY of copper isotope 65
Watts and the Department of Energy riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is a Watt in Watts area of Los Angeles, Anyway? Understanding Energy and Power Metrics ...
Understanding Energy
Understanding gy --> gynecology
... Bedroom energy ..... Pussy power .... the watts of twats
I'm OK - You're OK by Thomas A. Harris MD | Influenced by Eric Berne
Dr. Thomas A. Harris is the author of I'm OK – You're OK, the 1969 bestseller based upon the ideas of Transactional Analysis by Dr. Eric Berne. The late Thomas ...
I'm OK – You're OK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'm_OK_–_You're_OK
Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area ...
Eric Harris ....
Influenced by Eric Berne and Tom Harris
Eric Berne and Tom Harris extension
Eric ......................... Harris
What is a PAC? | OpenSecrets for Responsive Politics
Political Action Committee (PAC) — A popular term for a political committee organized ... PACs can give $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, ...
TA(PAC) versus Political action committee (PAC) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quick Answers - PAC - Federal Election Commission › QUICK ANSWERS
Federal Election Commission
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
Eric David Harris (April 9, 1981 – April 20, 1999) and Dylan Bennet Klebold (September 11, 1981 – April 20, 1999) were the two American high school seniors who committed the Columbine High School massacre. The pair killed 13 people and injured 24 others.[2][3] The two then committed suicide in the library, where they had killed 10 of their victims.[4]Dylan Klebold
Dylan Klebold
Dylan Diebold ... die/death
Diebold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diebold ATM | Diebold ATM Machines | Diebold ATM Models
Diebold ATM |
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines |
Die/ death bold ATMOSPHERE Models
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines |
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines |
Diebold ......MOS ...... Machines |
Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines |
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines |
Diebold ATMOSPHERE Machines in Nairobi ... Nitrogen air WAR ZONE
What is a PAC? | OpenSecrets of the Pittsburg AC murder trial 
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ...
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers -
20 + 09 = 29 copper atomic number 29 ordered .....
shooting of 3 copper wire representatives .... 3 cops ......
3 Pi = 3.14159 cross-section of copper wire agents ....
3 Pittsburgh police officers -
shooting of 3 copper wire representatives .... 3 cops ......
shooting of 3 copper wire ... human representatives ....
3 cops at EARTH surface code location pi = 3.14159 named pi = pittsburg ......
Death penalty upheld for Richard Poplawski in killing of Pittsburgh ...
Lawyers for convicted cop-killer
Lawyers for convicted cop-killer
Lawyers for convicted copper ... killer ......
of the existential city within electri.CITY
Fallopian tube WARS in the MOTHER EARTH baby region ,,, Babylon
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fallopian tubes, also known as, uterine tubes, and salpinges (singular salpinx), are two very fine tubes lined with ciliated epithelia, leading from the ovaries of female mammals into the uterus, via the uterotubal junction.
Latin: Tuba uterina
Lymph: lumbar lymph nodes
Very Heavy Menstrual BLOOD Flow at Virginia TECH
| The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and ...
University of British Columbia
Nov 28, 2013 - The usual length of menstrual bleeding is four to six days. The usual amount of blood loss per period is 10 to 35 ml. Each soaked normal-sized tampon or pad holds a teaspoon (5ml) of blood . That means it is normal to soak one to seven normal-sized pads or tampons (“sanitary products”) in a whole period.
When Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Is Abnormal - Everyday Health 
When Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Is Abnormal for the campus
(a Carl Jung collective of thousands of students is one STUDENT BODY)
...hen Heavy Men ..........Bleeding Is normal ...
for Mother Hen chicken brain men .... intellectual bias ERRORS
Everyday Health
Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ...
University of Michigan Library
Principia Mathematica to *56 - Page 73 - Google Books Result
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Mathematics
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell ... a man,” because we may substitute, for “x is a man," “ac is a featherless biped," or any other statement which applies ...
FM 3-24.2 Chapter 2 - Army
Insurgent organizations vary considerably, but are typically made up of five elements supported by a military wing and a political wing. The proportions of each ...
Insurgency and insurgent elements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's Elemental - The Element Osmium
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Osmium - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table
Royal Society of Chemistry
Origin of the name: The name is derived from t...
Discovery date: 1803
Black Sun - Wookieepedia - Wikia
During the Clone Wars, Black Sun exploited the Republic's focus on the war to drastically expand its activities. At that .... Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.
Black Sun |
Star Wars
Many of the organization's operatives had no idea that they were benefiting Black Sun, so layered and intricate were the fronts that the syndicate hid behind.
Star Wars Canon Catch-Up: What Is Black Sun doing in the
Blacksburg Virginia shootings ? - Overmental 17, 2015 - Black Sun is an immensely powerful crime syndicate with influential ties throughout the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, Black Sun thrived due ...
Seung-Hui Cho ... IsaacAsimov equation
Sun ground Hydrology/water universe Cho (sugar molecule code)
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Virginia Tech photosynthesis WAR zone
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weapons: Glock 19 pistol; Walther P22 pistol;
Location: Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S
Deaths: 33 (including the perpetrator):127
Non-fatal injuries: 23 (17 by gunfire):92
Blackwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blackwater founder: We could have fought ISIS if Obama hadn't -
Blackwater Agency | Providing Customized Protection
Blackwater offers a variety of Services ranging from Security and Courtesy Officers to Full fledge Investigations, Surveillance and Background Checks.
Academi is an American private military company, originally founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince. Formerly known as Blackwater, the company was renamed XE Services in 2009. It was renamed Academi in 2011, after the company was acquired by a group of private investors in late 2010.
Academi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On September 16, 2007, employees of Blackwater Security Consulting (since renamed Academi), a private military company, shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in ..... Retrieved October 11, 2007; Jump up ^ Kayhan, Islamic Republic of Iran "Blackwater Verdict a U.S. 'Snub' of Iraqi Leader Nouri al-Maliki"; Jump up ...
Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning on Blackwater - The New York Times
Jun 29, 2014 - WASHINGTON — Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security contractor’s operations in Iraq. ... American Embassy officials in Baghdad sided with Blackwater rather than the ...
Blackwater shooting unprovoked, official Iraq inquiry finds - The New ...
Iraqi Inquiry Says Shooting Was Unprovoked - The New York Times
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning on Blackwater - The New York Times
The New York Times
Blackwater shooting unprovoked, official Iraq inquiry finds - The New ...
Oct 7, 2007 - Blackwater shooting unprovoked, official Iraq inquiry finds ... The military has accused the force, part of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, ...
The New York Times
Iraqi Inquiry Says Shooting Was Unprovoked - The New York Times
Oct 7, 2007 - ... of the American security company Blackwater USA shot unprovoked at Iraqi civilians at a downtown traffic circle three ... One of the bombings occurred near the Iranian embassy and killed three people, Iraqi officials said.
The New York Times
BAGHDAD, Oct. 7 — A completed Iraqi government inquiry found that employees of the American security company Blackwater USA shot unprovoked at Iraqi civilians at a downtown traffic circle three weeks ago, an episode that killed 17 people and wounded more than 20 others, a government spokesman said Sunday.
The four-vehicle Blackwater convoy, which had stopped at Nisoor Square on Sept. 16 to seal off traffic for another convoy carrying State Department officials, “wasn’t even hit by a stone,” much less hostile gunfire when Blackwater guards began shooting at unarmed civilians, government spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, said.
Also Sunday, a joint commission of American and Iraqi senior officials convened here for the first time to look into ways to improve interactions between armed contractors and Iraqis they encounter in the course of transporting American diplomats. One of the main goals of the meeting, between Patricia A. Butenis, the embassy’s deputy chief of mission, and the Iraqi defense minister, Abdulqadir Mohammed Jassim, was to improve procedures to avoid the use of deadly force, and to ensure contractors “do not endanger public safety,” a statement from the American Embassy said.
The meeting occurred on a day in which a series of car bomb attacks in the capital killed at least nine people, apparently all civilians, officials said. One of the bombings occurred near the Iranian embassy and killed three people, Iraqi officials said.
Also Sunday, the American military said it had arrested three men who were responsible for the kidnapping of five British civilians in Baghdad last May. The arrests were made by soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division during a Saturday morning raid in Baghdad, according to a statement on Sunday from the American military. The three men, the statement said, were members of an Iran-backed network, the Special Groups Militia, that engaged in kidnapping and smuggling weapons into Iraq.
In recent days, American military officials here have once again made a point of highlighting suspected Iranian influence or involvement in planning and executing attacks against Iraq’s government and the American military here.
The latest accusation came Sunday from General David H. Petraeus, the overall commander of American forces in Iraq. Speaking to a small group of reporters at a military base near the Iranian border, General Petraeus said that Iran’s ambassador to Iraq was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Quds force, Reuters reported. The military has accused the force, part of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, of killing Iraqis and smuggling roadside bombs and other weapons to anti-American militias in Iraq.
“The ambassador is a Quds force member,” Reuters quoted General Petraeus saying of Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, Iran’s envoy in Baghdad. The general did not provide any evidence for his accusations.
Iranian embassy officials in Baghdad could not be reached for comment late Sunday evening.
Blackwater Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Iraq Killings - The New York ...
The New York Times
Ex-Blackwater Guards Given Long Terms for Killing Iraqis - The New ...
The New York Times
Apr 13, 2015 - Behind the Blackwater Trial ... overseas and became enmeshed in the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine counterterrorism operations.
Blackwater Guards
Watermark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A watermark is an identifying image or pattern in paper that appears as various shades of lightness/darkness when viewed by transmitted light (or when viewed by reflected light, atop a dark background), caused by thickness or density variations in the paper.
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ex-Blackwater Guards Given Long Terms for Killing Iraqis - The New ...
The New York Times
Blackwater Guards Found Guilty
in 2007 Iraq Killings of bio-radio-head Iraq people - The New York ...
The New York Times
Ruhollah Khomeini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini -
Ayatollah R..............KH
-- Religious Figure -
Khomeini -
Khomeini + alignment
...Zom --> KHZ ...... zombie neuroscience subroutine problems
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and ...shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and ...shot at Iraqi vilians killing 17 and ...shot at Iraqi ..villians killing 17 and ...
Khmer Rouge and brain radio problems in Cambodia
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cambodian Genocide: The Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot's Regime
Mount Holyoke College
Nisour Square massacre and rigged TRIAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In April 2011 a US federal appeals court reinstated the manslaughter charges against
Paul A. Slough,
Evan S. Liberty,
Dustin L. Heard and Donald ...
---> Evan S. Liberty ........ the atomic nucleus ....... atomic social science TRIAL ,.....
Four Blackwater guards sentenced in Iraq shootings of 31 unarmed ...
The Washington Post
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), commonly known by his initials RFK, was an American politician from Massachusetts.
commonly known by his initials RFK,
commonly known by his initials RFK,
commonly known by his initials RFK --> radio frequency K
The Hostages and The Casualties - Jimmy Carter Presidential Library ...
Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States. 52 American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981) after a group of Iranian students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who supported the Iranian Revolution, took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.[1]
The crisis was described by the Western media as an "entanglement" of "vengeance and mutual incomprehension."[2] President Jimmy Carter called the hostages "victims of terrorism and anarchy" and said, "The United States will not yield to blackmail."[3] In Iran, it was widely seen as a blow against the United States and its influence in Iran, including its perceived attempts to undermine the Iranian Revolution and its longstanding support of the recently overthrown Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had led an autocratic regime.
After his overthrow in 1979, the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was purportedly admitted to the United States for cancer treatment
diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981)
hostage for 444 days
hostage for 444 days
hostage for 444 days --> Nature's 4 DNA nucleotides WAR zone
with EM = Electro-Magnetic field with EM= EMbassy humans and their biased brain WAVE problems.
Khmer Rouge History | Cambodia Tribunal Monitor
Khmer Rouge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) - Khmers rouges more commonly known in English as Khmer Rouge was the name ...
Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Khmer Rouge period (1975–1979) refers to the rule of Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Khieu Samphan and the Communist Party of Kampuchea ...
Khmer Rouge rule
Killing Fields - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million ... A commemorative stupa filled with the skulls of the victims at the Killing Field of Choeung Ek. Choeung Ek Killing Field: The bones of victims killed by ...
WikipediaIn Cambodia, a genocide was carried out by the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime led by Pol Pot ... Skulls of Khmer Rouge victims. The Khmer Rouge government arrested, tortured and eventually executed anyone suspected of belonging to several categories ...
Mass killings under · Cambodian genocide denial · Rithy Panh
The crisis was described by the Western media as an "entanglement" of "vengeance and mutual incomprehension."[2] President Jimmy Carter called the hostages "victims of terrorism and anarchy" and said, "The United States will not yield to blackmail."[3] In Iran, it was widely seen as a blow against the United States and its influence in Iran, including its perceived attempts to undermine the Iranian Revolution and its longstanding support of the recently overthrown Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had led an autocratic regime.
After his overthrow in 1979, the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was purportedly admitted to the United States for cancer treatment
diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981)
hostage for 444 days
hostage for 444 days
hostage for 444 days --> Nature's 4 DNA nucleotides WAR zone
with EM = Electro-Magnetic field with EM= EMbassy humans and their biased brain WAVE problems.
Khmer Rouge History | Cambodia Tribunal Monitor
The Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), otherwise known as the Khmer Rouge, took control of Cambodia on April 17, 1975. The CPK created the state of ...
Khmer Rouge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leader: Pol Pot
Ideology: Agrarian socialism; Khmer nationalis...
Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khmer Rouge rule
Khmer Rouge rule
Kh --> KHZ rule .....
Killing Fields - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million ... A commemorative stupa filled with the skulls of the victims at the Killing Field of Choeung Ek. Choeung Ek Killing Field: The bones of victims killed by ...
Cambodian genocide - Cambodia, a genocide was carried out by the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime led by Pol Pot ... Skulls of Khmer Rouge victims. The Khmer Rouge government arrested, tortured and eventually executed anyone suspected of belonging to several categories ...
Mass killings under · Cambodian genocide denial · Rithy Panh
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chicago-Kent selects 2016 Evan A. Evans atomic Constitutional Law Moot ...
Illinois Institute of Technology
IIT Chicago-Kent to defend its Evans atomic Constitutional Law Moot Court ...
Illinois Institute of Technology
Mar 28, 2014 - Two teams from IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law will go against teams ... in the 2014 Evan A. Evans Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition.
Office of the Boston atomic Police Commissioner Evans —
Boston Police Department
The Police Commissioner is the Executive Head of the Department and is responsible for the management, planning, ... William B. Evans Police Commissioner.
The rigged information TRIAL of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boston bombing trial:
Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ---> BBC = British Bio-Chemistry
May 16, 2015 - Boston bomb trial. A US jury has sentenced Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death by lethal injection. Three people were killed and 260 were injured when Tsarnaev, now 21, and his brother placed bombs at the finishing line of the Boston Marathon in 2013.
Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black Forest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Black Forest Travel Guide | Fodor's Travel › Destinations › Europe › Germany
Expert picks for your The Black Forest vacation, including hotels, restaurants, ... The Black Forest is one of the most visited mountain regions in Europe and ...
Watertown, Wisconsin sin wave region
Introduction to Bavaria .... Variable Expressions and Equations - West Texas A&M ...
West Texas A&M University
Expressions and variables (Algebra 1, Discovering ... - Mathplanet
Math Planet
An algebraic expression comprises both numbers and variables together with ... The exponent corresponds to the number of times the base is used as a factor.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Facts of Iraq q-variable codes
.- Biography - YourDictionary › Reference › Biography › Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
The English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) formulated a most ... h is Planck's constant and p and q some canonically conjugate variables.
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity: An Elementary Introduction to ...
Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto - 2014 - Science
Paul Dirac (2001) Let us have a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space (of arbitrary dimension). We describe the
Wiley: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 3rd Edition - Vijay K ... › ... › General Probability & Mathematical Statistics
John Wiley & Sons
A well-balanced introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics ... An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Edition is an ideal reference and .... Copyright © 2000-2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., or related companies.
Wiley: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics of the chance of becoming chancellor Wiley of the University of Wisconsin
John Wiley & Sons
Listings 1 - 20 - The Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics is well established and authoritative. It covers many .... by Ian L. Dryden (Editor), John T. Kent (Editor).
Boston Marathon Event Information and the rigged alphabet TRIAL
- Boston Athletic Ass o Association
of blood Heme group Fe(2) ion language schemes and lies Marathon
DISTANCE: 26 MILES .... atomic number 26 of Fe = ferrous oxide iron atom of human liFe and language.
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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